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Official Neurosnap webserver for accessing NetSolP-1.0 online.


This groundbreaking model, powered by deep learning transformers, predicts protein solubility and expression / usability for purification, directly from protein sequences. By eliminating bias in existing datasets and achieving state-of-the-art performance, NetSolP enhances the success rate of wet-lab experiments, offering scientists an invaluable tool for advancing their research and industrial endeavors in protein expression and usability.

Neurosnap Overview

The NetSolP-1.0 online webserver allows anybody with a Neurosnap account to run and access NetSolP-1.0, no downloads required. Information submitted through this webserver is kept confidential and never sold to third parties as detailed by our strong terms of service and privacy policy.

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  • Advanced deep learning: NetSolP utilizes cutting-edge transformers for precise protein solubility and usability prediction.
  • Sequence-driven predictions: Predicts solubility and usability directly from protein sequences, eliminating the need for extensive lab work.
  • Robust extrapolation: Demonstrates strong performance across diverse datasets, ensuring versatility in various experimental contexts.
  • Unbiased data curation: Meticulously curated datasets with strict sequence-identity partitioning minimize bias, enhancing prediction reliability.
  • Research and production optimization: Empowers scientists to boost success rates in large-scale studies and industrial protein production.
  • State-of-the-art accuracy: Sets a new performance standard, making it an essential tool for researchers and industry experts.

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Service Inputs

These are the amino acid sequences of the proteins you want to predict the solubility and usability of.

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