Security Measures

At Neurosnap, we prioritize security above all else. Our clients entrust us with their most sensitive data, including intellectual property that is critical to their operations and competitiveness. We are deeply committed to honoring that trust by implementing robust security measures with unwavering diligence. Below, we detail our security policies, emphasizing our commitment to protecting our clients' data. For security reasons, we intentionally omit certain details about our security measures to prevent potential adversaries from gaining insights into our defenses. Our goal is to maintain a high level of security without providing a roadmap for malicious entities.

General Security

Neurosnap implements a comprehensive suite of general security measures aimed at minimizing the risk of data breaches and limiting their potential impact.

Measures Taken

Email Security

Email security is a fundamental aspect of our security posture. Recognizing its critical role in safeguarding our communications and data, we adhere to industry-leading practices and standards. We leverage the M3AAWG Sender Best Common Practices Version 3.0 as a foundational guideline for our email security strategy, supplemented by our proprietary research and analysis to further strengthen our defenses.

Measures Taken

Neurosnap's security measures are continuously reviewed and updated in response to evolving threats and advancements in security technology. Our dedication to protecting our clients' data is unwavering, as we strive to maintain the highest standards of security and trust.