Use DiffDock-L

Official Neurosnap webserver for accessing DiffDock-L online.


DiffDock-L is the newer and better version of DiffDock, a state of the art method for molecular docking and drug binding structure prediction. This service uses DiffDock-L and AutoDock VINA to predict protein-ligand interactions with high accuracy.

Neurosnap Overview

The DiffDock-L online webserver allows anybody with a Neurosnap account to run and access DiffDock-L, no downloads required. Information submitted through this webserver is kept confidential and never sold to third parties as detailed by our strong terms of service and privacy policy.

View Paper


  • Utilizes the improved DiffDock-L implementation.
  • Predict ligand binding to a protein target of interest.
  • Can be used for drug design as well as domain identification.
  • Includes an interactive 3D protein viewer with the docked ligand.


Neurosnap periodically calculates runtime statistics based on job execution data. These estimates provide a general guideline for how long your job may take, but actual runtimes can vary significantly depending on factors like input size or settings used.

Statistic Value
Credit Usage Rate loading...
Estimated Total Cost loading...
Runtime Mean loading...
Runtime Median loading...
Runtime Standard Deviation loading...
Runtime 90th Percentile loading...
Runtime Longest loading...

API Request

Access DiffDock-L using the Neurosnap API by sending a request using any programming language with HTTP support. To safely generate an API key, visit the API tab of your overview page.

Video Tutorial

The following youtube video describes how to use DiffDock-L using Neurosnap's online webserver. If you have any questions or want to suggest improvements for future tutorials please contact us here.

Job Note

Provide a name or description for your job to help you organize and track its results. This input is solely for organizational purposes and does not impact the outcome of the job.

Configuration & Options

Service Inputs

The PDB file containing the receptor protein structure to predict protein-ligand complexes with. Input receptor must be under 2048 amino acids. For best results ensure your structure is under 1022 amino acids as DiffDock-L was not trained on proteins exceeding 1022 amino acids. DiffDock does not currently support small molecules, ligands, and nucleotides within the receptor structure.

The chemical structure of the ligand you want to bind. For PDB files ensure that your protein/peptide is 40 residues or less and only contains a single chain / molecule. For SMILES inputs ensure that Local Only is not checked as the position SMILES defined molecules are ambiguous.

The number of samples/predictions for the model to produce. Larger amounts will result in greater wait times, but more comprehensive results (recommended).

Ready to submit your job?

Once you're done just hit the submit button below and let us do the rest.

To submit a job please login or register an account.