Use DiffAb Antibody Design

Official Neurosnap webserver for accessing DiffAb Antibody Design online.


DiffAb generates Antibodies for specific Antigen structures using a first-of-its-kind deep learning model. DiffAb emphasizes design using the structure and sequences of complimentary-determining regions (CDR).

Neurosnap Overview

The DiffAb Antibody Design online webserver allows anybody with a Neurosnap account to run and access DiffAb Antibody Design, no downloads required. Information submitted through this webserver is kept confidential and never sold to third parties as detailed by our strong terms of service and privacy policy.

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  • Design Antigen-specific Antibodies from Antigen structures.
  • Utilizes a genartive diffusion based model for Antibody design.
  • DiffAb emphasizes design using the structure and sequences of complimentary-determining regions (CDR).

Job Note

Provide a name or description for your job to help you organize and track its results. This input is solely for organizational purposes and does not impact the outcome of the job.

Configuration & Options

Service Inputs

The input Antigen you wish to generate Antibodies for.

The default value, 0, will use a random seed. A random seed will generate different results on the same instructions. Setting the seed allows for experiment design changes.

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