Information Panel for job 64aeee36bf3a7e1dc1ee877a

Service: ProteinMPNN

Status: completed

Runtime: 12s

Data & Visualizations

Visualizations for the output job data.

Predicted Sequences

NOTE: Lower ProteinMPNN scores are better.

Sequence Statistics

General statistics related to the predicted sequences above.

Amino Acid Probabilities

Calculated amino acid probabilities based on the predicted sequences.

AI models produce responses and outputs through sophisticated algorithms and learning techniques, which may result in inaccuracies. By engaging with this model, you accept responsibility for any potential harm resulting from its responses or outputs.


The configuration that was used for this job.

Configuration Setting Set Value
Chains A
Excluded Amino Acids none
Fixed Positions none
Homo-oligomer false
Input Structure 64aeee36bf3a7e1dc1ee8779.pdb
Invert Selection false
Model Type v_48_020
Model Version soluble
Number Sequences 50
Sampling Temperature 0.10000000149011612


The following files were either used as input(s) or produced by this job.

Input Files

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Output Files

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Please cite the following if you wish to publish data produced from this job.

Dauparas, J., et al. “Robust Deep Learning–Based Protein Sequence Design Using Proteinmpnn.” Science, vol. 378, no. 6615, 2022, pp. 49–56,

Neurosnap Inc. - Computational Biology Platform for Research. Wilmington, DE, 2022.


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