Use ProteinMPNN
Official Neurosnap webserver for accessing ProteinMPNN online.
ProteinMPNN is a powerful inverse folding model that is capable of not only predicting the amino acids of a protein structure, but also certain chains, and complexes. Additionally, ProteinMPNN can be used as a way to create functional homologs / mutants of existing proteins by inverse folding their structures and sampling the sequence space.
Neurosnap Overview
The ProteinMPNN online webserver allows anybody with a Neurosnap account to run and access ProteinMPNN, no downloads required. Information submitted through this webserver is kept confidential and never sold to third parties as detailed by our strong terms of service and privacy policy.
View PaperFeatures
- Predecessor to LigandMPNN. Note this service has been largely replaced by LigandMPNN and should no longer be used.
- Utilizes the faster & more feature rich ColabDesign implementation of ProteinMPNN.
- Supports SolubleMPNN.
- Allows you to specify fixed chains and positions.
- Allows you to inverse fold any protein or complex of proteins.
- Supports homo-oligomers.
- Supports different sampling techniques to better explore the protein landscape.
- Includes per sequence metrics such as an overall score and sequence recovery.
- Includes amino acid probabilities by position.
- Includes sampling temperature adjusted amino acid probabilities by position.