Evolution did a decent job, we can do better

Easily engineer proteins with optimized

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Optimize Variants
Designed variant of β-lactamase enzyme made with NeuroFold

Trusted by labs at 2,200+ institutions across 50+ countries

Proudly used by top companies and institutions globally

National Institutes of Health
Stanford University
Princeton University
McGill University
University of Pennsylvania
Oxford University
University of Harvard
University of British Columbia
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of California, Davis
Emory University
University of California San Diego
National Institutes of Health
Stanford University
Princeton University
McGill University
University of Pennsylvania
Oxford University
University of Harvard
University of British Columbia
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of California, Davis
Emory University
University of California San Diego
National Institutes of Health
Stanford University
Princeton University
McGill University
University of Pennsylvania
Oxford University
University of Harvard
University of British Columbia
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of California, Davis
Emory University
University of California San Diego

Backed by Experiments

Using NeuroFold, we synthesized variants of the enzyme β-lactamase with a 100% success rate.

Preserved activity

Enhanced thermostability

Enhanced pH Stability

49-56% sequence identity to WT

High expression in E. coli

Diverse catalytic sites

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Start with data or from scratch

Seamlessly import assay data from a current project, or kick off a new initiative by starting fresh with just a single initial sequence.

Predictable lab outcomes

Every generated sequence is accompanied by a predicted performance score. While it may lack surprises, it boosts productivity for all.

Reach milestones faster

NeuroFold learns more with every experimental round leading to improved variants each time and significantly reducing your time-to-market.

Effortless Multi-Property Optimization

With NeuroFold, effortlessly optimize multiple properties simultaneously. Save time with a true one stop shop for enzyme optimization.

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Only you and your colleagues will have access to your proteins, sequences, and experimental data. This includes your privately trained models which will never be used for other clients.

Secure by Nature

Neurosnap employs state of the art cyber security measures used by both militaries and banks to ensure your data is always kept safe.

Full Ownership

With NeuroFold, you get to keep all your IP. No royalties, no equity. The only thing you need to pay for is usage and users.

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